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10 Good

About Gonzo

  • Birthday 02/02/1963


  • Location
    Fly-Over Country


  • Interests
    Proud Member of the Right Wing Conspiracy
  1. Gonzo

    New roll call

    I'm not but I got an email that said you fucked it up again & had to come point & laugh
  2. Can you guys speak up? I can't here you in oblivion.
  3. truly quiet? my case sounds like a 757 leaving LaGuardia
  4. Agreed. Unless they pay my mortgage, nobody will tell me how to live in my house.
  5. Netflix....great pricing & selection. However, in the short time I was a customer, their Blu-Ray movies were either completely unplayable or, even worse, 1/2 - 2/3 the way thru the flick, it'd take a shit. They were great about remedy-ing the problem but watching a 106 minutes movie in 2 days-apart parts made them a no-go. I think we saw 2 out of about 12 movies in one sitting. Some had several returns. One was never playable (we gave up with 4 tries) Brand new player, at the time. Blockbuster had better quality, a decent selection but they were horribly slow in mailings. As fas as s
  6. Having done lots of business with them, happily, did they tell you "exchange only" when you bought it? I've never had a problem.
  7. A car, filled with (effectively) shrapnel, in Times Square, becomes a WMD when it doesn't fail to explode. Car bombs are nasty business.
  8. Long & fruitful or at least hot & horny
  9. No biggie. Not my area of expertise but I did some diggin' when it first showed up & it seemed to be point to point. We are one of the areas that is losing Verizon but not FiOS. Until this switch over started, we've not had an outage...ever. I've had two in the last month. That better not be a harbinger of the future Source
  10. Gonzo

    Would you...

    If you're downloading a TB per month, yes. If not, it won't save you enough time (not enough sources)
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