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About goodspeed

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    Super Moderator


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    see goodspeedpaintball(OCN)

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  1. goodspeed


    Is it bad that when I look at some posts I have to think "what year"?
  2. I got good news and bad news. The bad news is, we're getting old. The good news is, we're getting old.
  3. Jopey... Jopey... Jopey... Sup all? Been busy lately and haven't had time to stop by. What have I missed?
  4. I knew I smelled something.......
  5. Where the hell is Squeekers? :scratch:
  6. Agreed. We Pirates need to stick together. :pirate1:
  7. And now it's 2019. :thumbup:
  8. Thought this might interest some of you. Especially after all the hub bub in the media lately.
  9. Old? This ain't old. This is only half way. :P
  10. Where the hell is Jopey?!?!
  11. goodspeed

    Roll call.

    Wondering how many still hit the Pirate seas from time to time. Sound off iffin ya got a pair. Goodspeed- Here!
  12. Now that AOL is gone... Isn't everyone?
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