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11 Good


About squeeks

  • Birthday 03/22/1983


  • Biography
    err...im a guy


  • Location
    Always watching...


  • Interests
    Computers, movie making
  1. Happy new year! It's been fun showing my 12 year old all of the old school technology from the turn of the century. really blows his mind that we used to have dial up modems and the old dial in BBS systems were our only "internet"
  2. It's hosted on my company site now so it's not costing me anything to keep it up.
  3. I'm proud of you A13, I've owned Macs since 2008, extremely sturdy machines, the only laptops I'll buy.
  4. Piggybacking off of my companies website. So now all I have to pay for is the domain name.
  5. squeeks


    The database kicked the admin account out. Weird...
  6. squeeks


    Oh good, i think it worked.
  7. I want to keep it online in some capacity so that probably just means moving to a super cheap host that I can lock in a price for 3 years at just a couple of dollars a month.
  8. The price of our current host is getting outrageous. They recently removed the plan that we've been using that was about $10 a month. Now the plan we're on cost $30 a month if paid by the year. There is a significant discount if we renew for 3 years that brings the price down to $18 a month. The other option is to switch to a new host that will get us back under the $10 range. But moving hosts involves the possibility of losing our years worth of OCN history if the forum database gets corrupted or something else happens. Thoughts? @Godcopp@1fastC6@goodspeed@Machupo
  9. squeeks

    New roll call

    Happy Easter Chupo!
  10. squeeks


    I enabled the "I'm not a robot" check box, maybe that will help 🤷‍♂️
  11. squeeks


    Let me look into it. I think it's just the liscense to keep receiving updates, so it's not that important. Disappointing that we're still getting spam, this software is usually pretty good about keeping it out.
  12. squeeks


    its nothing short of a miracle that Ive been able to keep all of this content together for over 15 years...
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