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  1. <font size="3" font face="verdana">15 August 2012</font> <font face="verdana"> <p><b><font size="3"><font color=#888888><u>A View of Mars </u></font></font></b> <br><small>Posted by <b> Paintballgirl</b> <font size="1" font face="verdana">15 August 2012</font> at 4:33 PM</small><br> <br><font size="2"> <br>Go full screen, and drag the button on the left all the way down.<br><br><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-4445
  2. <font size="3" font face="verdana">19 June 2012</font> <font face="verdana"> <p><b><font size="3"><font color=#888888><u>US Navy buys Linux to guide drone fleet</u></font></font></b> <br><small>Posted by <b> Paintballgirl</b> <font size="1" font face="verdana">19 June 2012</font> at 1:02 PM</small><br> <br><font size="2"> "The US Navy has signed off on a $27,883,883 contract from military contractor Raytheon to install Linux ground control software
  3. <font size="3" font face="verdana">28 May 2012</font> <font face="verdana"> <p><b><font size="3"><font color=#888888><u>New GeForce 301.42 Drivers add new features increase Skyrim Performance up to 20%</u></font></font></b> <br><small>Posted by <a href="mailto:squeeks@thepiratefleet.com">squeeks</a> <font size="1" font face="verdana">28 May 2012</font> at 9:07 AM</small><br> <br><font size="2"> From Geforce.com~<br><br><img src="http
  4. <font size="3" font face="verdana">24 May 2012</font> <font face="verdana"> <p><b><font size="3"><font color="gray"><u>Researchers: Playing shooters with gun controllers...</u></font></font></b> <br><small>Posted by <b> Paintballgirl</b> <font size="1" font face="verdana">24 May 2012</font> at 12:07 PM</small><br> <br><font size="2"> New research from the Ohio State University School of Communication finds that extensively playing shooters with gun
  5. <font size="3" font face="verdana">19 May 2012</font> <font face="verdana"> <p><b><font size="3"><font color="gray"><u>A Virus to Charge Your Cell Phone?</u></font></font></b> <br><small>Posted by <a href="mailto:squeeks@thepiratefleet.com">squeeks</a> <font size="1" font face="verdana">19 May 2012</font> at 10:29 AM</small><br> <br><font size="2"> Thats right, some scientists from Berkley have developed an organism virus (not a computer virus) tha
  6. <font size="4" font face="verdana">17 May 2012</font> <font face="verdana"> <p><b><font size="3"><font color="red">What Happens After You Hit Send?</font></font></b> <br><small>Posted by <a href="mailto:squeeks@thepiratefleet.com">squeeks</a> at 10:02 AM</small><br> <br><font size="2"> Ever wonder about the journey your email takes after you hit send from your favorite email client?<br><br>Fortunatly google has been nice enough to make a cute video for all of u
  7. <font size="4" font face="verdana">15 May 2012</font> <font face="verdana"> <p><b><font size="3"><font color="red">Zombie apocalypse? Theres an app for that.</font></font></b> <br><small>Posted by <b> Paintballgirl</b> at 2:14 PM</small><br> <br><font size="2"> Well thanks to Yellow Pages there soon will be. <br>Australias Yellow Pages is having a competition to see who can create the best "how to survive the zombie apocalypse" app. With the catch being you have to us
  8. <font size="4" font face="verdana">12 May 2012</font> <font face="verdana"> <p><b><font size="3"><font color="red">Masterful Case Mods</font></font></b> <br><small>Posted by <b> Paintballgirl</b> at 7:41 PM</small><br> <br><font size="2"> Feeling that your tricked out desktop needs some outer beauty to go along with its glorious guts, but unable to find the creative spark? Try looking at these Epic cases for some inspiration:<br><a href="http://games.yahoo.com/phot
  9. <font size="4" font face="verdana">12 May 2012</font> <font face="verdana"> <p><b><font size="3"><font color="red">Halo 4</font></font></b> <br><small>Posted by <b> Paintballgirl</b> at 7:09 PM</small><br> <br><font size="2"> That's right Master Chief fans, your hero is scheduled to return on November 6th of this year.<br><br>Halo 4 is to be the beginning of a new trilogy titled the "Reclaimer Trilogy" that will resume where Halo 3 left off, ( A pair of two tril
  10. <font size="4" font face="verdana">11 May 2012</font> <font face="verdana"> <p><b><font size="3"><font color="red">Get diablo III at midnight. Call in sick next morning.</font></font></b> <br><small>Posted by <b> goodspeed</b> at 3:53 PM</small><br> <br><font size="2"> Well folks it's three days until the long awaited Diablo III is released.<br> The question is, What will you be doing?<br>If you are a dedicated fan of the series perhaps you will attend one of th
  11. <font size="4" font face="verdana">11 May 2012</font> <font face="verdana"> <p><b><font size="3"><font color="red">Whiptail flashes new kit, launches 72TB storage monster</font></font></b> <br><small>Posted by <b> goodspeed</b> at 3:19 PM</small><br> <br><font size="2"> Looking for more storage? Like to dabble in Flash Memory? Then check out the new Flash array from Whiptail. <br><br>"Whiptail, the flash array startup from Whippany, New Jersey, has boosted and
  12. <font size="4" font face="verdana">9 January 2012</font> <font face="verdana"> <p><b><font size="3"><font color="red">Radeon 7970 for sale</font></font></b> <br><small>Posted by <a href="mailto:squeeks@thepiratefleet.com">squeeks</a> at 10:32 AM</small><br> <br><font size="2"> Newegg has 7 HD7970s listed, all are currently out of stock, check out the listings <a href="http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&N=-1&i
  13. <font size="4" font face="verdana">7 January 2012</font> <font face="verdana"> <p><b><font size="3"><font color="red">Radeon 7970 Review Roundup!</font></font></b> <br><small>Posted by <a href="mailto:squeeks@thepiratefleet.com">squeeks</a> at 10:56 AM</small><br> <br><font size="2"> <img src="http://www.maximumpc.com/files/u46173/radeon7970.jpg"><br>AMD's Radeon 7970 will be released next week, here are some of the reviews from around the web!<br><p a
  14. <font size="4" font face="verdana">20 September 2011</font> <font face="verdana"> <p><b><font size="3"><font color="red">Online gamers crack AIDS enzyme puzzle</font></font></b> <br><small>Posted by <b> goodspeed</b> at 11:23 AM</small><br> <br><font size="2"> And we begin. Distributed computing at it's finest. <br><br>"We wanted to see if human intuition could succeed where automated methods had failed," Firas Khatib of the university's biochemistry lab said
  15. <font size="4" font face="verdana">18 August 2011</font> <font face="verdana"> <p><b><font size="3"><font color="red">IBM unveils brain-like chip</font></font></b> <br><small>Posted by <a href="mailto:squeeks@thepiratefleet.com">squeeks</a> at 4:51 PM</small><br> <br><font size="2"> Can you say Cyborg?<br><br><img src="http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTTfh8-8AL3FcslOaFWT6ud5Q6HTW03BYEMp7PG2SZo90wJEJ-LQg"><br><br><em>Computer chip
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