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Hope you guys don't have to deal with Best Buy

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I've never has anyone that bad at BB, but then I don't ask the sales people for info or opinions... when I go there, I've done my research, already made my selection, and am only there to pick the item up... all I have ever had to ask is "where is it?"...


kinda like the way I shop at newegg... :wave:

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Newegg responds :D


Best Buy neither owns nor has exclusive rights to use the word 'Geek', and Best Buy neither owns nor has exclusive rights to use a general, unstylized computer power button icon. It is a comedic, tongue-in-cheek take on a commonly understood customer experience, and does not name, identify or focus on any particular retailer, and we believe the actor portraying the salesperson is not 'slovenly' in any way.
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Personally I take offence at this threads title:

"Hope you guys don't have to deal with Best Buy"


Are you insinuating that there is ANYONE on this site that would:

A: Shop at Best Buy or

B: Require the technical expertise of a sloven ginger?




Hahahaa. Nice one Winky. :thumbup:

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