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Ventrilo Server up

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I run a Ventrilo Server off one of my Windows Servers at home. Feel free to join if you want to. There are tons of channels in there that I used to use for gaming a little bit ago. I setup a TPF channel so anyone that wants to join and chit chat may do so. For the most part the server is up, if its not let me know and i will throw it up real quick. There is no password for the server just use the address.


http://www.ventrilo.com/download.php - to download Ventrilo


Ventrilo Server address - jranderson.dyndns.org:3784


Any other questions let me know. If you prefer a Teamspeak Server let me know I will throw up one of those up also.

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For those of you that missed the CS:S run last night. You missed a bunch of ownage, I finished 56 and 14 for the end of the map. Goodspeed thought he would make an attempt to come own me while intoxicated. Needless to say his ratio didnt quite make it to 1:1. Still love ya there buddy but dont challenge the ownage, you will just end up walkin the plank and swimmin with de fishies

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