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New game: favorite record every year you've been alive

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That endless light

Casts only one shadow

The cold grey light

By the penthouse on the ghetto

Kill the other witness

Knife plunged to the hilt

The unforgiven dawn

Will only spotlight your guilt

In the cold grey light of dawn

You cant lie to yourself anymore

In the cold grey light of dawn

You cant hide the truth

Hide the truth anymore

You call up Emmy

Youve rehearsed the lines

But she knows about Judy

She knows youre lying

Put your foot in it, yeah

Its getting caught

Leave it in long enough, yeah

It starts to rot

In the cold grey light of dawn

You cant lie to yourself anymore

In the cold grey light of dawn

You cant hide the truth

Hide the truth anymore

No matter what you did

No matter who you are

In the fading light

From a middle aged star

Youve seen every blemish

Every sign of age

And its useless to whine

And its useless to rage

In the cold grey light of dawn

You cant lie to yourself anymore

In the cold grey light of dawn

You cant hide the truth

Hide the truth anymore

Cold grey light of dawn

You cant lie to yourself anymore

In the cold grey light of dawn

You cant hide the truth

Hide the truth anymore

Hide the truth


Hide the truth anymore

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and many more Scooter tunes not listed on U-toob



Respect to the men in the ice cream van










and to all the other great tunes from that

MDMA induced raver house genre






anyone that doesn't like this has something wrong with them!




do I really need to link 'satisfaction'?


Jeez what's this Hah! oh Dang lookie at that tush go!





and many many more...

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Alizee Benny Benassi! :drooling::drooling::drooling::drooling:


Lollipop? Damn better than I can do it. I give it an 8.5.. I liked watchin her face in the SNAPPIN window.


44-49, GROOVY BABY!!! Far out.




Darude = umm tse umm tse umm tse umm tse.:thumbup:


scooter = umm tse umm tse umm tse umm tse.:thumbup:


Powerman 5000, FUCK YEAH!!!:nod:


Ecstasy...... never been there. Anybody wanna go?


And Rob Zombie too. :thumbup:


Winky!! You got some great taste in musuc doode.

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tanks GS

and the hits just keep on cummin'

80's fer ever in no particular order








Always thought lil Ms Wiedlin was the cute one








that reminds me








Gaba Gaba Hey!





olde skool





segway alert ;)









always thought that lil gurl was so cute...

the one in the vid yeah that's it ;) ;)






oh jeebus how many hours could I spend

on new wave alone?






oh my we were all so prudy back then




ok enough for now, as our resident lil gurl has pointed out

"U guys sure have a lot of time on your hands"


but don't think fer a millisecond I'm done there's the

80's hair metal thing ya know heh heh

'sides didn't even scratch the surface of the New Wave stuffs


Ya see SSP when you've listened to tunz spanning literally

half a century...


La La La prudy boi's and... prudy gurls....

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